Monday, April 11, 2011

More Epically Underrated Albums

Some of the best music today is being made by people who will in all likelihood never get their proper recognition for the truly groundbreaking work they've created.  Please buy these albums and support the artists - you know they're broke as hell.

Lo-Ruhamah - The Glory of God
One of the most incredibly innovative albums to come out in the past several years.  Deftly blending shoegaze and post-rock stylings with brutal black/death riffage, this album is simply gorgeous.  The band obviously has Christian tendencies, but their lyrics are very poetic and introspective, as opposed to the obnoxiously preachy shit you usually get with such bands.  The Glory of God is an incredibly mature record that continues to reward the listener upon repeated listens.

One of the heaviest records ever made.  Four crushing, 10+ minute slabs of monolithic sludgy doom.  Incredibly low (they tune to drop A!), dirty, nasty riffs abound.  These guys could definitely be the next Isis...

Awesome post-rock - with the emphasis on rock.  They even have vocals too.  The songs are relatively short for the style, but they pack a lot of punch.

Incredible French doom band.  Following in the footsteps of diSEMBOWELMENT, these guys' sound can best be described as funeral doom with occasional bursts of deathy riffage.  Their vocalist is unreal.  The album is five songs - one intro, and four monolithic tracks ranging from thirteen to twenty-four minutes long.  It's not exactly easy listening, but it's well worth it.

This album is simply incredible.  It's a 2-disc album, the first disc being atmospheric sludge in the vein of Isis, Neurosis, etc, and the second disc being ambient noise.  The two discs are designed to be played at the same time, and the result is mind-boggling.  This album is required listening for everyone.